Tue, Dec 31, 2024

CincySCCA Solo 2024 Permanent Number


About this event

Welcome to CincySCCA Solo (Autocross) Program

Please use this "Event" to register your permanent numbers.

Permanent Numbers are :

  • Intended for members who regularly compete in our event (At least half the events in past season
  • First come first serve
  • Reset every championship season
  • We adhere to the SCCA Solo National Events Numbering policy:
    • Only 1-99 are allowed for single driver cars
    • 101-199 are for the second drivers of 2-drivers cars
    • No leading zeros allowed (i.e. 7 is allowed, but 007 is not)
  • If you do not know your class, find your class first and then register (Please contact us with your classing questions)

* All Vehicles competing in our event must follow SCCA's VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION requirements on Section 3.7 of Solo Rules.  Please visit our club sponsor, AutocrossDigits for the details.  AutocrossDigits supplies many of our competitors as well as many others nationwide with quality Vinyls and Magnets.

* Registrations completed on/after the opening of the first event registration has to be processed manually by the Event Registrar and it may take up to 1 week or longer .

* Cincinnati Region SCCA reserves rights to remove reserved permanent numbers at our discretion at any time during the season.

* Permanent number is reserved only for the events hosted by CincySCCA and will reset each season.  (If the entrant does not register for the events 7 days prior to the event date, the reserved number will become available for any entrants for the event.)

Event requirements

When you register, please make sure your MotorsportReg profile is as complete and correct as possible.

It is important to always use the same name, spelled exactly the same way, for each event.  Failure to do so will result in season points scoring errors.

Cincinnati Region SCCA accept all SCCA Classifications.  In addition, we also have Index Classes for similar category cars, as well as Novice, Pro, and Tire Index.

SCCA Classification is based on Year/Make/Model of the car as well as modification done to the car. Please check out SCCA Solo Rules for more info. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us; we are here to help!

If you choose to, we have Index Classes based on class category (Street, Street Touring, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified), as well as competitor's experience level (Novice and Pro).

For example, a new competitor can run "Novice" PAX class with other novice drivers, regardless of their car and its preparation level.  The competitor's time will be multiplied by "PAX Index", so that theoretically it will eliminate the factor of what car everyone is driving.

The intent of the PAX Classes is to create larger competition groups.  They are fun and very popular.  If you do not want to run in a PAX Class, Select the appropriate class for your car, and then select "None" for the PAX Class.

For Cincinnati index classes, identify your car with the index class and car number ONLY. For example, if entered in the Street Open (S) class with the number 12, your car should be identified as "12 S". There is NO need to put your base class on the car. Make sure your class and number are clearly visible from a distance. This helps a great deal in making our event operations run smoothly.

If you have questions or need help with registration please e-mail the event organizer.


Cincinnati, OH


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Cincinnati Region - Solo

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Event over!