Sat, Dec 14, 2024

Blue Ridge Region Toys for Tots 1st Annual

Pinkerton Chevrolet

About this event

Blue Ridge Region Toys for Tots 1st Annual Road Rally

Join us for our fist road rally in many years. To kick the program off we will be having a Charity event for Toys for Tots. This event was suggested by our member and friend Joe Walker who has put a lot of effort into the organization of the event. Make sure to thank him for his efforts.

TREK Overview 

Treks are non-competitive driving events intended to foster social interaction among the participants. As such, there may not be any system for scoring, nor may there be any awards based on performance. They provide a path to new memberships and increase public awareness of SCCA. The Trek route includes one or more stops for sightseeing, meals/refreshments, and bathroom breaks/facilities. Events can range in duration from a few hours to several days. Treks follow a predetermined route. There are two ways to conduct a Trek: • Use a “convoy-style – follow the car ahead of you” format. The lead car in the convoy is driven by a person who knows the pre-determined route. • Use route following information with two or more people in the vehicle.

Operating Rules

A. All SCCA Treks will have an Event Chairperson responsible for planning, coordinating, advertising, and operating the event. The Chairperson must be a current Annual or Lifetime SCCA member.

B. Treks will be conducted in either a convoy style or rely on route following information. In the first case, a lead vehicle (often the Event Chairperson or Rallymaster/Organizer) and one or more sweep vehicles will be designated to ensure participants are not separated from the group. Large groups may be split up into smaller groups. In the second case, when route following information is used (e.g., via a map, typed route instructions, or a GPS-based route), rallyists can navigate the course independently of other rally vehicles.

C. Participants must operate their vehicles in a safe and prudent manner. Participants should never exceed the speed limit or violate any traffic laws.

D. Participants are encouraged, though not required, to have at least two people in each vehicle for convoy-style; two or more in a vehicle is mandatory if relying on route following information (with the Navigator of sufficient age to convey this information to the Driver).

E. Participating cars must be street legal and have current state registration. Motorcycles are not permitted on Treks.

F. Each driver is responsible for ensuring their vehicle is safe and roadworthy and meets all legal driving requirements, including insurance.

G. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license and meet their state’s insurance requirements.

H. Treks are non-competitive events. There will be no scoring and no awards based on performance. Participation mementos, such as dash plaques, are permitted.

I. Cell phone numbers for the Trek leader and the sweep car(s) should be provided to participants.

J. A safety briefing for all participants should be provided before the start of the event. This briefing will emphasize the need to obey all traffic laws and to drive in a safe and prudent manner.

K. Event-related material will not be allowed on the windshield or window glass which may obscure visibility. Event material is allowed on glass surfaces behind the B pillar if it does not obstruct the driver’s vision. It is not necessary for participants to remove SCCA decals previously applied to small rear or side windows or to their windshields.

L. The following activities are prohibited: Driving under the influence (DUI). Consuming alcoholic beverages while participating in the event. Dangerous or reckless driving. Exceeding the legal speed limit.

The Route

A. The Trek route will be laid out in advance of the event using good quality, paved roads wherever possible. If the route includes any unpaved roads or any unimproved roads, this fact must be included in all event announcements and advertising. Care should be taken when designing the Trek route as some participants will be very sensitive to potential damage to their car from potholes, gravel and road debris.

B. The Trek route should be chosen to maximize the driving experience. To that end, route design should emphasize scenery, interesting roads, and avoidance of traffic, retracing the routes through congested / residential areas and avoid areas where children may play on or near the road during the time when the Trek will pass. While these conditions cannot be avoided, they should be considered when determining the route.

C. Route following information, such as a map and/or written directions, will be provided to all participants. If the Trek is conducted in convoy-style, the route following information is intended to be used only if the participant loses sight of the vehicle ahead. It is not intended as the primary means of following the Trek route.

D. Route stops will be planned and should provide sufficient parking for all Trek participants. The location of all planned route stops, including the ending location, should be provided to participants. GPS coordinates of planned route stops, in addition to street addresses, may be helpful.

E. The Trek should end at a location where participants can gather and socialize. Availability of food and beverage is highly recommended. Choosing a desirable ending location should be a focal point of the event planning.

F. Route Pre-checks: A Pre-check by an individual other than the Rallymaster/Organizer (who mapped out the course) is strongly suggested. Items that should be reviewed include but are not limited to suitability of the roads selected, adequate number of stops based on the length of the route, sufficient parking is available, as well as restrooms and other facilities, such as food and drink, as appropriate. The Pre-check should review potential separation situations of traffic lights/congested areas and discuss possible pull-off points/regroupings areas as necessary. If written/map instructions are used, they should be checked for accuracy.


Event requirements


SCCA membership is required for all entrants. Weekend Memberships are available for those who are not current SCCA members.

Weekend Memberships cost $15.00. The membership period is 5 consecutive days from the date of purchase. A Weekend Membership entitles you to a $15.00 discount when applying for a Regular SCCA Membership. The discount is good for 60 days. Limit two $15.00 discounts for a total of $30.00.

The SCCA Membership Application is available here:[http://%20https//]http[http://%20https//]://

All registration, payment, and check in will be done electronically on Online pre-registration will be open until midnight the day before the event.

We will leave registration open until 12:00 PM on the day of the event.  You must complete online registration and payment by that time.  We strongly suggest that you pre-register. There will be a $10 late registration fee for online registration after midnight the day before the event. 

Payments will be processed the after the event.

  • Check In

Check in will start 1:00 PM and close at 2:15 PM.

Passengers are allowed with signed waiver.

  • Driver’s meeting

Drivers Meeting is manditory.

  • Tech Inspection

All vehicles must be liscensed and inspected to participate in this event.

Tech inspection may occur at the event


Saturday December 14, 2024
Online Registration will close at 12:00 PM
Check-in 1:00 PM to 2;15 PM
Driver's meeting (mandatory): 2:15 PM
Event Start: 2:30 ish


Current SCCA Member: (Must present membership card)

$15.00 + 20.00 Toy Donated to Toys for Tots.



If you do not already have a account, click the 'Create New Account' button below. You will be asked to input your member number and Region of Record.  This is your SCCA Membership number and home region. You must have this information in your user profile to avoid needing a weekend membership for this event. (Also, make sure your user name matches exactly as it appears on your SCCA Membership card... otherwise, the member verifaction process will not validate your membership.)


Pinkerton Chevrolet

Salem, Virginia
Download track map
Download track map


Road Rally organized by

SCCA - Blue Ridge Region

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Event Cancelled!