About this event
Jim Stark Double SARRC Race
April 26 & 27, 2025 ROEBLING ROAD RACEWAY
Bloomingdale, GA
Each driver must be a current SCCA member, and must also hold a current SCCA Competition License per the GCR or a current license from an organization recognized by SCCA (see GCR Appendix C.2.8 and FastTrack updates for the complete list). The SCCA requirement is satisfied by SCCA Probation letters and SCCA Novice Permits with Drivers School requirements signed off.
Entry fee for the event per driver/per car is $475 (with applicable compliance fee for SRF, SRF3, FE and FE2). Running one car in two separate race groups requires two separate race entries. Additional fee per additional driver(s) per car will be $75 per additional driver / per car to cover additional sanction fees and insurance fees. The $50 increase over last year is going to the worker stipend fund to encourage more workers to come to the event. You will need to enter your credit card number on the payment screen in order to complete your registration. However, you do not have to pay at that time, your card will be charged when you check in at registration. Credit / Debit cards only will be accepted as payment for entry fees. Check and cash payment is not available.
This event is held under the 2025 SCCA General Competition Rules; the category specifications as amended by any subsequent racing bulletins listed in FasTrack during the year 2025 and the 2025 South Atlantic Road Racing Championship (SARRC). These rules can be found at https://www.scca.com/pages/cars-and-rules/ and at http://sedivracing.com/road-racing. This race will be run using 2024 SEDiv permanent numbers.
Links to the Supps / Schedule and Drivers Meeting Letter are below:
2025 Jim Stark Drivers Meeting Letter - Final v3.pdf
2025 Jim Stark Chief Steward Letter - Event Schedule Update.pdf
Group 1: SRF, SRF3
Group 2: FA, FC, FX, FS, FE, FE2, P, P2, SR1, SR3
Group 4: FV, F6, FF, FST, CF
Group 6: ITS, ITA, ITB, ITC, IT7, ITR, STU, STL, T3, T4, C-Spec, GT3U
Group 5: ASR, GT1, GT2, GT3, AS, SPO, GTA, T1, T2, ITO, GTX, SC
Group 7: SPU, EP, FP, HP, GTL, B-Spec, SMX, MXP
Event requirements
Go to Roebling Road Raceway at http://roeblingroad.com for test day information, camping information, electricity, garages or directions. Camping is available Thursday night through Saturday night. Electricity is available and covered garages are available for a fee paid to the track.
The tire provider for the weekend is Appalachian Race Tire. Attendees can call them to order ahead at 856-681-6622, or on their website at https://racetire.com and they will bring the tires when they come down.
Your chief registrar for the event is Wanda Cecil. If you have questions, Wanda's cell phone number is (803)920-5757 (no calls after 9 PM) and email is wandakcecil@aol.com
93 octane will NOT be available at the track. Only unleaded 98 and 110 leaded.
This race will be run using 2024 SEDiv permanent numbers.